Friday, August 16, 2013
Hey there!
Brazil, Campinas Temple |
So today we got to go the Campinas temple which has a lot of grounds and has a great view of the city of Campinas where my companion will be serving. Luckily there are enough Americans that they do the session in English. The ride there was awesome because it is about an hour away and the charter buses' chairs lean back and it's nice to sleep. What's really cool is that there is a lot of forest area on the way there and today it was all foggy and it looked like the actual rain forest, wish I had had my camera, but it was so cool cause the land rises up too and makes it look awesome. Got two Brazilian roommates this past week. We were getting ready to turn off the lights and someone unlocked our door and come in and said he was new. The natives only stay in the MTC for about a week and a half so he will be leaving with us. Only 10 days until we head out! There was a devotional from Provo on Wednesday in which Elder Scott spoke, missed it by that much. The language is great, understanding a lot, just need to get speaking faster. A couple of times this week we have been sitting in class and we realize how weird English is. Some words really don't make sense. It's so much fun though. Get to go outside today and get churros. Pretty excited! The time difference is about 2-3 hrs, I forget which. Been pretty cold the past couple of days, this morning you could see your breath. But it gets warm the rest of the day once the sun comes out. And of course it always get really hot on p-day. Thanks for your letters, being here no one in our district gets letters, but it's still nice reading them online, which is how it will be in the field. I can't believe it hasn't been 6 months yet. Each day feels like a week, but the week goes by fast. Has Garrett heard anything about his visa? Does anyone else in the ward have their call yet? Are you doing cross-country Meg? Have fun at ranger camp Rach. Dave have fun with the drum pads. Sarah have fun in first grade and have a great week. Lots of fun here. One of the elders from Bolivia is really funny and calls me Elder Japan because of how my eyes squint when I laugh. He is really funny. Have to go now, only have a couple min to get to the churros and back. Have a great week!
Elder Anderson
ps will send pics later, they take up so much space and time.
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